Picking the right contact lenses
Colored lenses. Many of the types of lenses described above also come in colors that can enhance the natural color of your eyes – that is, make your green eyes even greener, for example. Other colored lenses can totally change the color of your eyes, as in from brown to blue.
Contact lenses are placed directly on the surface of your eye to correct your vision.
They can correct short-sightedness (myopia) and long-sightedness (hyperopia). They can also correct astigmatism and age-related long-sightedness (presbyopia).
The principle of contact lenses is the same as for glasses. They bend light and redirect it towards your retina to give you improved eyesight. Extra info about Korean circle lenses …
Did you know ultraviolet rays can not only damage skin, but also the eye? UV radiation is prevalent all year round and able to reflect off all surfaces, causing an even higher risk to your eyes. Ultraviolet rays are even present underwater, albeit at 40% the intensity as above the surface.
In any weather condition, UV rays can have negative effects on the eye and therefore must be protected against at anytime. Exposure to UV rays without proper protection can cause eye disease and conditions severe enough to lead to legal blindness. Contacts with UV protection may definitely be an investment you’ll want to consider when choosing the best contact lenses for you.
Soft contact lenses are comfortable and easier to adapt to than rigid lenses. Soft contact lenses come in various types, such as:
Daily wear lenses. Daily wear soft contact lenses are typically the least expensive option. You wear the lenses during the day, and remove them each night to be cleaned and disinfected. How long you can use a single pair of daily wear lenses varies depending on the manufacturer.
Avoiding complications : Take care with contact lens solutions. Use only commercially prepared, sterile products designed for the type of contact lenses you wear. Discard the solution in the contact lens case each time you disinfect the lenses, and don’t “top off” old solution that’s already in the case. Gently rub and rinse your lenses as directed by your doctor. Don’t use contact solution that’s past the expiration date.
KPOP2 circle lenses are sold in more than 237 stores in South korea. (August, 2018)
KPOP2 is South Korea’s biggest online and offline circle lenses store. All circle lenses for sale are made in South Korea and have received authorizations from Korean FDA; they are safe to use.
We also design and manufacture tens of products. All products are made in Korea and have received authorizations from Korean FDA. The sandwich technology applied to all of KPOP2’s products ensures the quality.
KPOP2 carries 700 different kinds of cheap circle lenses.We also design and manufacture tens of products. Some of our products are designed and manufactured directly by us.
The sandwich technology was applied to all of our products to ensure high quality. The items we carry are also favorites of Korean girl & boy celebrities.
We are glad to provide fast services and affordable products to our customers all over the world via online shopping store. We hope you join in and enjoy our services.
Contact Info:
YoungDong Building,
Gangnam-daero 622,
Seoul, Republic of Korea